Thursday, December 31, 2009


You took & you gave. You took my husband’s mother and you granted me to be one. For the beauty in this, for the love I shared and have, I thank you. I miss you. I love you baby Boy. It is all give and take. What you take you gave this year: a life. 2010 cannot come soon enough for us this year. For the burn, for what I learned. For the seconds that felt like hours. For the hours that flew by. I am grateful for the beautiful souls you placed around me. I am honored to be a mother and my mother in law is holding a piece of my heart above us now. May time stand still when I get a rush of her essence May time stand still when my baby boy learns to reach out for me. Those arms are extensions of my heart. Here is to my inner guidance leading me to the place I was meant to be. Here is to my boy Josh who is above us as well. They come in they go out… remember you don’t know how long the one next to you resides by your side. For this reach out and extend any form of gentleness to the next one.

Feelings are here now, will you let them in?

Knock knock…
I look out and see awareness through the blinds.
Why did you have to show up on a day like today
Reluctantly I open the door and (feelings) uninvited just rush in.
GREAT! I wish I hadn’t opened the door.” I say once again.FINE! I guess you can come in
It’s apparent you have something to say….Get it out now…SAY what you came to say
You brought with you old gestures, the ones I thought I’d never see. Without knowing sensations start to flood up inside me.
You know I didn’t miss you one bit, my life has been better with out you, I have to admit. So just leave now I said I am not ready for all this!
You come closer and whisper “I will show you the way…no worries…I was never here to stay.”
I take your hand and allow you to guide me through. Flashes of light are emerging now from out of the other room.
I turn the corner and look back and you are gone, you disappeared were had you gone?
I feel a brush of wind cross my face a whisper appears that softly says…”I am still here I never went away; it is always up to you how ever long the stay.
Remember me when you know not want to do you know me as feelings but understand I am your inner guidance too.
Don’t be afraid of what emotions come along with me. I am your feelings….and I came here to set you free.”


Did you give someone a second chance?
Did you take a second look?
Did you wish for a second you could be somewhere else?
Did a few seconds take a lot longer than someone said they took?
Did you hope for a second chance to tell that someone you love them?
Did seconds pass as you held out hope for the best?
Did seconds fall flat on you and knew you would never get them back?
Did you sit for second and take a quick break?
Did you realize you were done playing second best?
Did for just one second you feel what that other person felt?
Did a split second pass and flash, they were gone?
Take a second and reflect as the seconds quickly fade
If yesterday was today what second would you have gave?


If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know if I would be the person I am today.
Through the good and the bad you are ALWAYS right there.
So through it all I am thankful for what you have shown me.
I have learned MANY things from you.
I apologize for in the past for not acting in accordance of who you wanted me to be.
I look forward to seeing you show up more often.


New Year

New Year's Eve marks the end of one year and the beginning of another.
Use tonight to honor the changes in your life and welcome the New Year.
The ending of the year is an important occasion to celebrate.
This year may have brought you hardships or immeasurable circumstances.
Try and remember this; you are alive and your existence is beyond significant.
Remember ten good or important things that have happened this year.
Find time to talk about them with someone tonight as you celebrate.
Have fun, and remember to be safe.